H2Oi – STATE OF SPEED https://stateofspeed.com ALL THINGS PERFORMANCE AND SPEED, AND THE CULTURE THAT DRIVES IT Thu, 31 Mar 2022 18:20:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://stateofspeed.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Shift-Knob-RGB.png H2Oi – STATE OF SPEED https://stateofspeed.com 32 32 The H2Oi International Story – Part II https://stateofspeed.com/2018/10/29/h2oi-part-two/ https://stateofspeed.com/2018/10/29/h2oi-part-two/#respond Mon, 29 Oct 2018 15:03:11 +0000

An automotive revolutionary war of sorts was brewing, as showgoers were about to land in a city they weren’t welcome in with a police force that knew they were coming anyway.Read More →

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From Mello to Melodrama

The H2Oi International Story (Part Two)

The stages were set. On one, an automotive revolutionary war of sorts was brewing. Showgoers were about to land in a city they weren’t welcome in with a police force that knew they were coming anyway.

Police Patrolling a Parking garage at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

On the other, “generals” were in the final stages of “recolonization,” having lost the hard-fought “Battle of Ocean City” so to speak. It was official: Atlantic City, New Jersey was H2Oi International’s new home, and this new frontier meant new opportunities and challenges for the “settlers.”

Porsche at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander


Before we get into my experiences of both events, I had an opportunity to interview Jay Shoup, owner and founder of H2Oi International. I’m sharing snippets of our conversation in an effort to negate the plethora of inaccurate statements that have—and continue to—come out about his show as well as the events preceding it. Here are the facts:

  1. The actual sanctioned car show that is H2Oi International was never held in Ocean City, Maryland.
    Since the day of the show’s origination, H2Oi has always been held outside Ocean City. People attending the show would congregate in Ocean City because of its proximity to the show. According to Jay, it was local media that incorrectly associated the two events in an effort to put blame on him. “The media beat me down,” Mr. Shoup explained. “Why do they keep bringing me into this?”—a question he asks to this day.
  2. It was Jay’s decision to take H2Oi International elsewhere.
    When I asked him about relocating, Mr. Shoup confidently stated that, “There weren’t – and still aren’t – any legal grounds whatsoever for Ocean City to shut down my show, even if I decided to stay put.” Of course, he wasn’t interested in fighting anymore and that’s why he opted to postpone the show in 2017; To find a new, more suitable (and welcoming) venue.
  3. “Did Ocean City officials really do everything they could to keep the peace (and the people there)?”
    This is one of the biggest questions Jay continues to ask to this day. He argues that, when it came to the preceding events in Ocean City, “The minority were the ones causing trouble,” and that, “I don’t [necessarily] know the solution, but I do know how to handle them.” Jay, for example, told me that, in the 20 years of his show’s existence, Ocean City officials never bothered to call upon the Maryland State Police to help keep the peace – an organization that he made sure to always hire from for H2Oi every year. And remember, this was never Jay’s problem in the first place!
Cops at the other H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander


So with all that being said, let me first preface by saying that the following are my experiences of Ocean City and Atlantic City respectively. Anyone and everyone who attended either or both events no doubt had different experiences of them, which are neither right or wrong. I actually wrote a post on one of the Ocean City attendees Facebook groups asking them to share their thoughts and experiences with me. You will occasionally see quotes from this post.

Volvo at the other H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander


I arrived in Ocean City, Maryland on a Thursday evening, and it took almost two whole days to see the sizeable crowds of years past reappear. By Saturday, the sun set just beyond the horizon, and the natural lighting illuminating our surroundings was replaced by the flashing lights of Ocean City Police cars. As we walked the strip, we’d pass groups of people yelling “SEND IT!” to cruisers waiting at a red light. Usually, these groups would be holding signs with lude messages written on them as well while they taunted. The light would turn green, someone inevitably would in fact send it, and would get pulled over immediately after doing so.

Silvia at the other H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
Altezza pulled over by cop at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

Interactions that would follow between car owners and law enforcement were either contentious or cooperative. For the contentious ones, it was about testing the limits – a mentality not unlike one from a first-year college student. “You go to OCMD for the chaos that ‘H2Oi’ weekend brings,” one person submitted as a response to my Facebook post. “I had even more fun [this year] haha. [I] felt like there was more adrenaline because you could get caught easier,” responded another. And, to be clear, I nor staff from The Dawg Box condone this kind of behavior.

FRS being towed at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
FRS towed away
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

For others, it was a jovial, crime-free game of “Cat and Mouse.” The challenge: Bringing a car down to Ocean City that is blatantly illegal and see how long they can actually drive it on Coastal Highway before getting pulled over. The results: Usually within minutes of the tires touching the pavement, drivers would end up assisting the tow truck driver in loading their own vehicle to be carted off to the impound lot. It’s a game they inevitably lost.

Lifted Jeep Grand Cherokee
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
VW GTI MK4 at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
Wide body Ford Mustang at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
Cops shutting it down
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

And then there were those who were there simply to hang out. Whether they were seated in lawn chairs on the sidewalk or on inflatable couches in the bed of a truck, it’s as if they went to set an example; showing residents that not all young car enthusiasts were there to act out. Sure they also cruised the strip in vehicles that the city deemed “Unsafe,” but at least they behaved.


Now, I’ll be honest, I’ve never actually attended the actual H2Oi International show when it was held in Ocean City, so I personally can’t make a comparison to what took place at The Showboat. Also, I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t have my prejudgements about what the turnout would be like (that certainly explains why I traveled down on a Sunday afternoon and only spent two full hours there). I can and will, however, talk about H2Oi from the perspective of a 10-year veteran of the east coast car show scene.

Audi at H2Oi garage
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
VW Golf R32 MKV at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

For starters, it wasn’t an exclusively Audi/Volkswagen car show. All makes and models were there but thankfully, the 12 Top Dawgs were all European makes. To me, that doesn’t necessarily matter as I understand that businesses often have to adapt to new places and situations. And it was their first year at The Showboat, so I would’ve been shocked if there weren’t growing pains like this.

Red Porsche
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

But, having said all that, what did surprise me was the general presentation of it all. The Showboat’s cul-de-sac, for example, was crammed with the Top Dawg finalists and as many vendor booths as they could fit, all while hotel guests were coming and going. To me, it felt like I was at a job fair.

AUDI and VWs at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

And then there was the parking garage, where the remaining cars parked. “The idea was to separate general and show parking, but we didn’t really have the manpower to police it this year,” Mr. Shoup clarified. It made sense. Cars were scattered throughout every level with no real organizational structure whatsoever. Many were driving in and out of the garage freely while spectators were still walking around. It honestly felt like a cross between a scene from The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift and one from car meets I used to attend back home. “We’ll figure out a better solution for next year,” Jay said.

Cars lined up and displaying their engines in a parking garage
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
VW in the garage
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
Slammed VW Jetta at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
White Volkswagen in the garage
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
VW Beetle in the garage at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

Look, I’ll be the first to tell you that it’s often difficult to embrace change, but I think that if we as enthusiasts, take the time to try to embrace it (and succeed), we can appreciate H2Oi’s new home while still reminiscing about the good times in Ocean City, Maryland. For all intents and purposes, H2Oi was a success. What do you think?

In the garage
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

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The H2Oi International Story – Part I https://stateofspeed.com/2018/10/25/h2oi-part-one/ https://stateofspeed.com/2018/10/25/h2oi-part-one/#respond Thu, 25 Oct 2018 15:01:54 +0000

What began as a pre-party turned into one of the most confusing, controversial “car shows” in the United States. But how did this happen...and why?Read More →

The post The H2Oi International Story – Part I appeared first on STATE OF SPEED.


From Mellow to Melodrama

The H2Oi International Story (Part One)

H2Oi crowd
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

It couldn’t have been a more perfect setting: A nine-mile highway running through the belly of an island. The Atlantic Ocean to the East and resort condominiums to the West. The name: Ocean City, Maryland. 

Ocean City Police and Honda Integra at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

An annual Audi/Volkswagen-specific car show called H2Oi International would take place at either Fort Whaley in Whaleyville or at the racetrack at Ocean Downs Casino, and the closest area with enough hotel vacancies for the thousands to flood in was, for better or worse, Ocean City. In addition to the vacancies, only about 7,000 residents inhabited the almost 40 square-mile island. So there was plenty of room for things to get wild too.

Crowds at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

What began as a pre-party turned into one of the most confusing, controversial “car shows” in the United States. But how did this happen…and why?


Slammed Audis and BMWs at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

To understand why there is a propensity to get rowdy before H2Oi International, you first have to understand how the East Coast car show season works. Unlike our western counterpart, we don’t always receive the nicest weather – for months on end – and therefore have a limited amount of time to enjoy our cars. When the end of September approaches, our internal senses remind us that “the end is near.”

Slammed Subaru Forester at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
Muscle car at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

The easiest way to explain this is to do a hypothetical experiment of sorts: Imagine Ocean City, Maryland as a small, fragile glass vial. Now imagine each car enthusiast as a molecule in the excited state – moving around uncontrollably without a final destination. Crumbier weather (i.e., rain and snow) serves as the catalyst, causing these molecules to increase their movements as the quality of weather deteriorates. Now imagine that, before the weather reaches “hibernation” temperatures for cars, more and more molecules get crammed into the vial all at once. Sound like a recipe for combustion, right?

Grey Mazda Miata driving in
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander


Show car owners are inherently proud of what they have, so when you combine the opportunity to publicly showcase your car to other like-minded enthusiasts, with aspiring automotive creatives eager to shoot and ample scenic backdrops to shoot in front of, there’s one more variable to add to the aforementioned equation: The media.

Krispy Media at H2Oi 2018
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
Vloggers at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
Vloggers at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

Chris Petruccio of Krispy Media is one of many media professionals responsible for putting the pre-party-like festivities of H2Oi International on the map. Back in 2013, Petruccio created and released his now infamous “After Movie,” which garnered the attention of millions of auto enthusiasts to date. “I managed to create something that captured the attention of and resonated with the younger audience,” Chris explained to me in a phone interview. “It was definitely one of my big breaks as an automotive filmmaker, and I make sure to attend every year to thank my fans.”

Nissan Silvia at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
BMW driving to H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

In the years following the After Movie’s release, the days leading up to H2Oi International have become a time for budding automotive filmmakers to also try and make their mark. With many creators wanting to replicate what they’ve seen in the After Movie, burnouts, reckless driving, and, in some cases, vandalism have all become common practice.

Slammed and modified Mazda Miata
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
Camera man taking pictures of a Mazda Miata
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
FRS towed at H2Oi by the cops
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander


Towed Mazda Miata
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

In 2017, the events preceding H2Oi were the equivalent of the vial from the aforementioned experiment of being filled to the brim and exploding. Ocean City Police responded to over 2,700 calls that weekend and, “While H2Oi International is not, and has never been, a city-hosted or sanctioned event…we still hosted thousands of participants, ”Chief of Police Ross Buzzuro explained in a press release. To make matters worse, nearly any method that both the city and O.C.P.D. used to try and contain the insanity, like increasing fines, impounding “unsafe vehicles,” and installing metal gates in the highway’s median, only fueled showgoers to further act out. Any effort put in to differentiate H2Oi International from this “pre-party” fiasco was essentially futile. O.C.P.D. had to find fault in something, so they blamed the show.

Crowds at 2019 H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
Slammed VW GTI MKVI at H2Oi 2018
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

Jay Shoup, the founder of H2Oi International, never envisioned a weekend-long, laidback, car show resulting in the exact opposite take place. In fact, he wrote a lengthy public letter to distance himself and the real H2Oi from all of it. Unfortunately, fingers were already being pointed and there was nothing either Ocean City nor Mr. Shoup could do to resolve the matter. Both sides did, however, ultimately come to an agreement that the show had to relocate, and so it did…to The Showboat in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Endless summer Surf Shop at H2Oi
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

This spawned a “Us Versus Them” syndrome in many showgoers. You were either: A “Loyalist” who would go wherever the sanctioned event was being held or a “Pre-Partier” who wouldn’t accept any location to congregate except Ocean City. The irony, of course, is that shows like H2Oi are ultimately designed to bring people together and not cause a divide between them.

Cops shutting it down at H2Oi 2018
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander
Cops shutting the car show down
Photo Credit: Jared Auslander

Now that you’ve read the “Prologue” to the H2Oi saga, you can begin to understand why things have unfolded the way they have. Stay tuned for part two, where I’ll be giving a more in-depth description of each event from my perspective.

The post The H2Oi International Story – Part I appeared first on STATE OF SPEED.

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